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采用高粘度指数石蜡基础油加入添加剂为配 方,提供抗磨损、抗氧化、抗腐蚀及抗泡沫性 能。具有更强热稳定性,防止油质衰变,适合更 高的操作温度。超卓的过滤能力可防止微细过滤 器出现过早闭塞现象。 High Viscosity Index Paraffin Base Oil with Additives It provides abrasion resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and foam resistance. It has better thermal stability, prevents oil decay, and is suitable for higher operating temperature. Excellent filtration ability can prevent premature blocking of micro-filters.
无论高负荷或低负荷的情况下,都有突出的 抗磨损性能。摩擦力特低,可减少在低负荷,低 速的情况下传动装置的粘滑现象。 It has outstanding wear resistance under both high and low loads. The frictional force is very low, which can reduce the stick-slip phenomenon of transmission under low load and low speed.
良好的分水性,能防止乳化液的形成。优越 的空气释放性及抗泡沫性能,可防止因气穴的产 生而引致的可压性。 Good water separation, can prevent the formation of emulsion. Superior air release and anti foam properties can prevent pressure caused by cavitation.
优 点 Advantage
抗磨损、抗氧化、抗腐蚀及抗泡沫性 Wear resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and foam resistance
良好的分水性 Good water separation
稳定性强 Strong stability
优良的抗乳化性,可使油/水容易分离。 Excellent filtering ability
超卓的过滤能力 Resistance to foaming.

产品名称 粘度(cSt) 粘度指数 闪点(℃) 倾点(℃) 铜片腐蚀 锈蚀试验
40℃ 100℃
HM22 22 4.6 ≥95 208 ≥-15 无锈
HM24 32 5.3 ≥95 215 ≥-15 无锈
HM25 46 4.6 ≥95 226 ≥-15 无锈
HM26 68 8.5 ≥95 240 -15 无锈